Sheikh Yusof Al-Qardhawi Condemns Attacks Against Civilians: Forbidden in Islam


DOHA, Qatar, Sept 13 (IslamOnline & News Agencies) - Renowned Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusof al-Qardhawi denounced the attacks against civilians in the U.S. Tuesday and encouraged Muslims to donate blood to the victims of the attack.

In response to the bloody attack against civilians in the U.S., Sheikh Yusof issued a statement Wednesday saying that:

"Our hearts bleed for the attacks that has targeted the World Trade Center [WTC], as well as other institutions in the United States despite our strong oppositions to the American biased policy towards Israel on the military, political and economic fronts.

"Islam, the religion of tolerance, holds the human soul in high esteem, and considers the attack against innocent human beings a grave sin, this is backed by the Qur'anic verse which reads:

Who so ever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and who so ever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind," (Al-Ma'dah:32).

"The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, 'A believer remains within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn't kill another person illegally'," the prominent scholar said.

He added that haphazard killing where the rough is taken with the smooth and where innocents are killed along with wrongdoers is totally forbidden in Islam. No one, as far as Islam is concerned, is held responsible for another's actions. Upon seeing a woman killed in the battlefield, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, denied the act and said: "That woman shouldn't have been killed anyway!".

Even in times of war, Muslims are not allowed to kill anybody save the one who is indulged in face-to-face confrontation with them. They are not allowed to kill women, old persons, children, or even a monk in his religious seclusion.

Qardhawi then asserted that is why killing hundreds of helpless civilians who have nothing to do with the decision-making process and are striving hard to earn their daily bread, such as the victims of the latest explosions in America, is a heinous crime in Islam. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have stated that a woman was qualified to enter Hell because of the cat she locked up to death.

"If such is the ruling applied in protecting animals, no doubt, aggression against human beings, a fortiori, deserves greater protection, for human beings are honored by Allah Almighty and are His vicegerents on earth," he added.

Al Qaradhawi said, "We Arab Muslims are the most affected by the grave consequences of hostile attack on man and life. We share the suffering experienced by innocent Palestinians at the hands of the tyrannical Jewish entity who raze the Palestinian homes to the ground, set fire to their tilth, kill them cold-bloodedly, and leave innocent orphans wailing behind.

"With this in mind, the daily life in Palestine has become a permanent memorial gathering. When Palestinians face such unjust aggression, they tend to stem bloodletting and destruction and not to claim the lives of innocent civilians."

"I categorically go against a committed Muslim's embarking on such attacks. Islam never allows a Muslim to kill the innocent and the helpless.

"If such attacks were carried out by a Muslim - as some biased groups claim - then we, in the name of our religion, deny the act and incriminate the perpetrator. We do confirm that the aggressor deserves the deterrent punishment irrespective of his religion, race or gender," he added.

"What we warn against, even if becomes a reality, is to hold a whole nation accountable for a crime carried out by a limited number of people or to characterize a certain religion as a faith giving support to violence and terrorism," Qardhawi said.

Qardhawi clarified that when the well-known Oklahoma incident was carried out by a Christian American, who was driven by a personal interests, Christianity, America or even the Christian world, were not accused of the attack because a Christian masterminded it.

"I have been asked several questions on TV programs and on public lectures about the martyr operations outside the Palestinian territories, and I always answer that I do agree with those who do not allow such martyr operations to be carried out outside the Palestinian territories.

"Instead we should concentrate on facing the occupying enemy directly. It is not permissible, as far as Islam is concerned, to shift confrontation outside the Palestinian territories. This is backed by the Qur'anic verse that reads: "Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loves not, aggressors," the renowned Muslim scholar concluded.

[Sumber : Islam Online]


Al-Azhar's Grand Imam Condemns 
Killing of Civilians



CAIRO, Sept 14 (IslamOnline & News Agencies) - The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, on Wednesday condemned the killing of civilians in the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, considering it a gruesome act denounced by the three monotheistic religions, said Egypt's state information service, Egypt Online.

Also, a number of al-Azhar scholars stressed that Islam rejected violence and bloodshed, expressing regret over the tragic explosions and plane crashes that took place Tuesday

The president of al-Azhar University, Ahmed Omar Hasham, said that Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance and stability. "It does not call for aggression or injustice. Those who are trying to describe Islam as a religion of extremism and violence are wrong," he asserted.

Muslim and Arab leaders, among others around the world, have strongly condemned the attacks and have urged the international community to refrain from equating the acts of terrorists with the Islamic faith.

In addition, Sheikh Yusof Qardhawi, a world renowned Muslim scholar, was among the first to issue a fatwa (religious degree) denouncing the actions of terrorists, regardless of their faith and nationalities, saying, "Our hearts bleed for the attacks that has targeted the World Trade Center [WTC], as well as other institutions in the United States despite our strong oppositions to the American biased policy towards Israel on the military, political and economic fronts.

"Islam, the religion of tolerance, holds the human soul in high esteem, and considers the attack against innocent human beings a grave sin, this is backed by the Qur'anic verse which reads:

Who so ever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and who so ever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind," (Al-Ma'dah:32).

In addition, in a continued display of solidarity with fellow Americans, Muslim and Arab students have also taken up the cause of condemning the attacks as well, and have distanced the Islamic faith and Muslims as a whole from the actions of a few people acting in contradiction with Islam as a faith.

In an effort to enlighten the younger generation and quell potential acts of violence against American Muslims and people of Arab descent, MTV has also actively supported the disassociation of Islam as a faith from the acts of the terrorists. It is actively interviewing and broadcasting statements of American Muslim students in New York, who echo the words of the scholars in a way even young people can understand.

Be it a statement from the most powerful Muslim leaders in the world, or from the young, Muslim students seeking to enlighten the next generation and ending stereotypes and misrepresentations of Islam, the message is the same; the heinous attacks are by no means Islamic.

[Sumber : Islam Online]

Malay section

Kenyataan Ulamak : Ulamak Islam Mengecam Serangan Ke Atas Amerika Syarikat

  • Dr. Yusof Al-Qardhawi

  • Seikhul-Azhar, Mohamed Sayyed Tantawi

  • Rektor Al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmad Umar Hasyim

  • Mufti Mesir, Dr. Nasr Farid Wasil

  • Ulama Syiah, Syeikh Muhamad Husain Fadhlullah

Para ulamak Islam dari semua mazhab telah mengutuk serangan yang dilakukan di Amerika Syarikat (AS) pada Selasa 11/9/2001. Mereka mengatakan bahawa haram hukumnya melakukan serangan ke atas orang awam, bagaimana sekalipun permusuhan yang wujud antara mereka. Syeikh Yusof al-Qardhawi berkata, mereka yang melakukan serangan ini menurut Islam wajib menerima hukuman secara syarak. Tidak kita apa bangsanya, apa agamanya dan apa warga negaranya.

Kutukan serangan ini juga dinyatakan oleh al Azhar al-Syarif, Mesir: "Perbuatan ini tidak diakui oleh mana-mana agama samawi." Syeikh al-Qardhawi menyeru agar kaum muslimin menderma darah mereka untuk menyelamatkan mangsa-mangsa letupan di AS. Katanya, menderma darah, harta dan bentuk-bentuk bantuan lain adalah sedekah. Mereka akan diberi pahala untuk sedekah ini. Selanjutnya Syeikh al-Qardhawi menyatakan, apa yang berlaku ini, tidak mungkin sedikitpun, dilakukan oleh seorang muslim yang waras fikirannya dan kuat agamanya. Syarak menafikan perbuatan berkenaan yang menjadikan orang awam sebagai sasarannya. Katanya lagi, mengenai pendirian AS terhadap kekejaman Israel terhadap rakyat Palestin, sekalipun ia adalah perbuatan yang sangat tidak adil, namun ia tidak boleh membawa kita kepada tindakan permusuhan terhadap orang awam yang terdiri dari kanak-kanak, wanita dan orang-orang yang lemah. Beliau menegaskan, bahawa bumi Palestin adalah tempatnya untuk diarahkan permusuhan terhadap Zionist, sekalipun AS adalah sekutu rapat Zionist, namun Islam tidak membenarkan cara yang berlaku di AS dilakukan. Bahkan, Islam menolaknya. Kaum muslimin juga tidak boleh ada rasa permusuhan terhadap rakyat AS walau besar manapun perbezaan mereka dengan sistem pemerintahannya. Selanjutnya, menurut Syeikh al-Qardhawi, Islam melarang membunuh mereka yang tidak melawan, walaupun ketika peperangan dan pertempuran. Sebagaimana halnya Islam melarang dari membunuh kaum wanita, kanak-kanak dan orang tua. Begitu juga dengan paderi dan pendeta yang sedang beribadat di tempat peribadatan mereka. Seperkara lagi, katanya, asas dalam Islam ialah, seseorang itu tidak menanggung beban dosa orang lain. Di mana setiap manusia bertanggungjawab atas apa yang dikerjakan, tidak atas apa yang dikerjakan oleh orang lain.

Manakala al-Azhar al-Syarif Mesir pula mengeluarkan kenyataannya pada hari Rabu 12/9/2001. Al-Azhar mengutuk tindakan berani mati menyerang Pusat Dagangan Dunia New York dan Kementerian Pertahanan AS. Al-Azhar menegaskan bahawa mereka tidak bersetuju sama-sekali dengan tindakan keganasan tidak kira siapa yang melakukan dan ia dilakukan di mana. Mereka menyifatkan bahawa tindakan keganasan adalah perbuatan yang tidak diterima dan tidak diakui baik oleh mana-mana agama samawi ataupun oleh akal manusia.

Turut sama mengutuk serangan berkenaan adalah Syeikhul Azhar, Imamul Akbar Dr. Muhamad Syed Thanthawi, Dr. Yahya Ismail setiausaha Jabhah Ulama al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmed Umar Hasyim, Rektor Universiti al-Azhar dan Dr. Nasr Farid Washil, Mufti Mesir.

Dr. Ahmed Umar Hasyim
Rektor Universiti Al-Azhar, Mesir

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    bagi Syarah Bukhari


Di Lebanon, Syeikh Muhamad Husain Fadhlullah salah seorang dari ulamak besar Syi'ah mengeluarkan kenyataannya pada hari Rabu 12/9/2001 yang tidak bersetuju dengan serangan berkenaan. Menurutnya, sekalipun kami bermusuhan dengan pemerintah AS mengenai pendirian politik mereka ke atas umat Arab dan Islam, khasnya rakyat Palestin namun kami tidak mengambil pendirian untuk memusuhi rakyat AS. Kami tidak menerima sebarang bentuk permusuhan terhadap mana-mana rakyat, sepertimana yang telah berlaku di mana rakyat AS telah dimusuhi. Ini adalah cara yang tidak diakui oleh agama dan risalahnya.Katanya lagi, mereka yang melakukan serangan telah melakukan dua jenayah, pertama, ketika mereka melakukan rampasan kapal terbang dan menyebabkan penumpang dari kalangan orang awam terbunuh. Kedua, ketika mereka merempuh penempatan orang awam dan membunuh orang awam yang tidak berdosa. Menurutnya lagi, "kami merasa amat terkejut sekali terhadap apa yang berlaku ini yang tidak mungkin akan dipersetujui oleh mana-mana agama ataupun mana-mana logik akal manusia ataupun mana-mana ideologi politik yang waras."

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  Hakcipta © Mazuki Izani El-Besuty (15 September 2001) 

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